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Get to Know the People Behind Business Furnishings
Kassie Myers

Kassie Myers

Interior Designer

Meet Kassie, an Interior Designer at Business Furnishings. With a Bachelor of Science in Interior Design from Indiana University Bloomington, Kassie is an expert in creating functional and aesthetically pleasing office spaces. One of her favorite tasks at work is organizing the material library, which enables her to stay up-to-date on the latest products and materials in the industry.
Kassie finds the atmosphere and the people at Business Furnishings to be one of the best aspects of her job. She appreciates the balance between work and fun, which allows her to enjoy her job while being productive. Additionally, Kassie enjoys the process of coming up with the best design solution for her clients, making sure their workspace is not only functional but also represents their brand and style.
When not at work, Kassie enjoys spending time with her boyfriend Steven and their three cats. She also enjoys drawing and spending time with friends and family. Kassie’s love for art and drawing led her to pursue a career in the Interior Design industry, where she could use her creativity and passion to design beautiful and functional office spaces that can enhance productivity and inspire employees.